hEy pAL wELcomE 2 my BLoG..

I'm Liezl O. Lerin currently studying at UM digos college taking up bachelor of arts major in political science...well I'm a genuine kind of person..i really treasure my friends and my special ones.. I don't like hanging out with some plastic and hypocrite person. I am a woman of GOD and a disciple of faith. i really like to hang out with my family now a days because when I'm with them i feel complete and cured from the pain which has given to me by someone I used to love..and I do admit I still LOVE Him despite of what he has done to me. I am now trying to be good and be more responsible. I just came to a point that I feel I need to have more room to grow so that I can reach my goal in life. i realize that LIFE is just not about being a "HAPPY GO LUCKY".. the pain I'M FEELING right now is my inspiration to move on..maybe someday HE WILL COME BACK..this pain only reminds me that the LOVE we have before was real..

Thursday, February 17, 2011

my new life with new special someone

hahai it's been a month after nag break mi..then suddenly nagkita mi ghapon...OUCH!huh..huhuhu:(
LOVE japon kaau nako xa yet i know tama na...it is really OVER...sayang pero wla nata mahimo.hahai I'm really happy now wtih my bebe...he makes me smile again and he always made me feel like a woman...I'm falling for him everyday...sana magdugay mi..hahai choy u make me live and breath again..i love you...

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